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Readings & Articles
 | 21-11-2017 10:38
An interview with Paul Rubin, ISSE founder, on how he came to meet and study with Dr. Feldenkrais over 40 years ago. Paul recounts an experience that firmed his commitment to pursue his education in the Feldenkrais Method.
 | 28-01-2015 19:53
Feldenkrais, the theater and actors an interview with Dr. Feldenkrais by Richard and Helen Schechner Translated and edited by Kelly Morris. This exposition of Feldenkrais' ideas and techniques of movement-training is taken from two of his essays, "L'Expression Corporelle" and "Mind and Body." This material is interspersed with selections from an interview with Feldenkrais by Richard and Helen Schechner in Tel-Aviv during June, 1965. The article appeared in the TULANE DRAMA REVIEW Volume 10, Number 3, Spring 1966, and reproduced here with permission.
 | 28-01-2015 19:53
Interview with Paul Rubin by Linda Case, Professor of Violin In this interview the use of the Feldenkrais Method with musicians to avoid injury, to recover from injury, and to unleash creativity and musicality are discussed. Though about music and musicians, this article also will be of interest to anyone seeking to understand how the Feldenkrais Method works.
 | 28-01-2015 19:53
This article was written in 1978. Charles Fox gives a wonderful first person account of his experience with Moshé Feldenkrais. Living with Multiple Sclerosis, Mr. Fox describes the positive changes he found through lessons he received from Dr. Feldenkrais in San Francisco and Tel Aviv in 1977 . He does an excellent job of providing a basic explanation of the Feldenkrais Method and of giving a sense of the man who developed it. This article was originally published in QUEST/78 magazine. It is reproduced here by permission of the author.
 | 28-01-2015 19:43
Carl Ginsburg offers some interesting arguments and some examples from his practice as a Feldenkrais Teacher in support of the position that mind and body are an "inseparable whole" rather than two separate entities. His writing style is literate, methodical and thought provoking. Carl is a Certified Trainer of the Feldenkrais Method. He lives in Germany
 | 28-01-2015 14:59
This is a fascinating account of a cooperation between a Teacher of Voice and a Teacher of the Feldenkrais Method as part of Master Class at Music Conservatory of Bern, Switzerland. The author is a professional musician and Feldenkrais Teacher. He is the creator of "The Dynamic Musician Series", a Feldenkrais based program of education for musicians to help them form a better relationship with their instrument (including voice) and their playing environment. As you will discover in reading this article, significant positive surprise can result. It is, in fact, the norm.
 | 28-01-2015 14:58
Dr. Moshé Feldenkrais' first book about his deepening inquiries into the relationships between the human body, brain and mind and what influences the environmental conditions on the planet had in their development was first published in 1949.The foreword to the German edition of Dr. Feldenkrais' book was contributed by Robert Schleip. Dr. Schleip practices as a Certified Feldenkrais Practitioner in Munich, Germany, since 1987. He holds a MA degree in psychology and a PhD in human biology, and serves as Research Director of the European Rolfing Association and as co-editor of the IFF Feldenkrais Academy Research Journal. His website www.somatics.de includes one of the richest collections of professional articles in the field of somatic practices. You can read the original German version of Dr.Scheip's foreword on his website.
 | 28-01-2015 14:53
In this article, Cliff Smyth first discusses the various types of injuries brought on by repetitive mis-use of hands, arms and shoulders. He contintues with a lucid and concise account of how the Feldenkrais Method is used effectively to help people recover from and prevent such injury. Cliff Smyth is a Certified Feldenkrais Teacher and Assistant Trainer. He maintains a private practice in San Francisco at the Feldenkrais Center for Movement Education and teaches in training programs around the world. Cliff has recorded a series of Feldenkrais Awareness through Movementlessons Easy Hands and Armswhich are available from his website Learning for Health.